Wynhoven Ministry - Sundays, 5pm
Bernard Chase, Mark Phillips
Wynhoven Nursing Home- 3rd Sunday each month
Sharon Chase, Beverly Dufrene
Celebrate Recovery- Every Friday Night, 7pm
Pamela & Randy Louviere
Women's Ministry- 2nd Saturday each month
Homeless Outreach- 1st Saturday each month
Tracy Falcon
Men's Breakfast- 1st Saturday each month here at the church
Contact us to have your prayer needs added to the list. The needs are then mailed out weekly to the church's email
3rd Saturday each month 10:30 a.m. at the Gospel Bookstore in Gretna or by Zoom
Teena Myers for more info.
Two Kingdoms: Darkness & Light
How to train our kids to recognize the two and Choose God's kingdom
Linda Rodriguez for more info
July 24-28
9 a.m.-Noon
Here at the Church
Last Sunday of each month
6pm! We'll enjoy a light meal first, enjoy a Biblical movie, and finish the night with cake and ice cream to celebrate monthly Birthdays.
Upcoming Picnic to be announced
"Loss of a Spouse" Thursday, January 9th from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. Workbooks for this presentation are $5.00.
Grief Share Class Starts on Thursday, January 16, 2025
Grief Share Workbook $20.00
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly on Thursdays, 10 am-noon.
It is a warm, caring environment that can become an "oasis" on one's journey through grief. Each GriefShare meeting includes a video seminar, small group discussions for support, and workbook exercises that will reinforce each week's topic.
Nancy Sarver, Instructor
Boyd Guy will minister for us on a Mission-focused Sunday on August 11th. He will share about his recent trips to Peru and Columbia, and his upcoming trip to Uganda.
In October, Brother Babu's son David and his wife Kempu, will be in the area for ministry. More details will follow.
October 10 & 11 , 2024
Bayou Segnette Floating Cabins
Only have room for 16 men to sleep.
Four spaces left as of 8/8/2024
Everything has to be paid by
August 31, 2024
August 10 , 2024
Christian Fellowship Church at 9:00 a.m.